Sunday, July 31, 2005

Sugar Water Festival - Live and Direct!

A couple of nights ago someone pleasantly surprised me with an outing and took me to the Sugar Water Festival; featuring Floetry, Queen Latifah, Jill Scott and Erykah Badu. It was a good show, but my only complaint was it was too damn short. I mean... Floetry did 4 songs, it felt like 2... Latifah aka Dana Owens did a bunch of songs I haven't heard of (didn't know she could sing) She was off the CHAIN!!!... Jill Scott torn the roof off ... but was also too short... Erykah was jammin'... it was like she got the band together that morning and said.. "Hey what you doing tonight?" And to top it off... she didn't do "Tyrone"!!! How is she not doing "Tyrone"???!!! But wonderful show none the less... the line up was great, and the bands where kicking. I love live music. Oh another thing that was a nice added touch... they started and ended the show together. KUDOS!!!... Hope they do another tour like this

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Summer... what summer?

I haven't had an oportunity to indulge in writing another entry. I have been trying to catch up with what's left of summer. Hot smoggy weather, dried crackly grass, not knowing whether I want to eat or sleep, feeling completely out of my element. Besides occupying my time with complaining about the little nuisances in my life, I have caught up with a couple of leisure activities that I have put off. For one, I have dedicated 2 nights to watching films that I have been wanting to see... Amadeus ( seen before but had to see it again), Be Cool (real dry movie, slept thru it), Anchor Man (just plain silly), The Ring (I don't know why I bothered I hate horror movies) and the original Dance with Me (much better than the remake). Other than that... I have nothing real exhilirating happening in my life. This summer is just hot and nothing else. Work is blah, studying is blah, sex is non-existant, friends are feeling the same way... Looks like life is just the way it's suppose to be... Enjoy

Sunday, July 10, 2005

I Hate You So Much Right Now... ARGH!

So last night I had a real cozy time at home and I indulged in a couple of pointless tv shows. One of them being Cheaters. That show is ridiculous... the host drives me up the wall. But I guess the show brings out my voyeuristic nature because I watched the whole show! (complaining all the while) The show made me realize that we are in a time where we are entertained by other people's adverse circumstances. It's kind of crude. But people also like to put their business out in the street... So I guess in turn we oblige by satisfying their twisted desire or need for everyone to take part in their 5 seconds of fame.
What gets to me is how everyone is "sorry" and "didn't know how" to tell them. I personaly wouldn't be caught dead on that show... you won't find me signing any kind of disclaimer to allow society to view me at one my most pitiful moments. Never mind being in a cheating relationship, I figure if you want to indulge in extra activities... have the decency to let the other person know so they can decide whether they want to stay with you or not. It's only fair.
I have been cheated on and the feeling was deplorable. I remember wanting to skin his balls, and gouge his eyes out. But me being the civil lady I am... I made him an "I Hate You" cd. It was during that time that I realized there are not enough 'hate' songs. It took me 3 days to comply a cd with songs explict enough to get my vile mood across. Now this situation happened about 4 years ago... and all I can remember or what brings me back to that point of time is Kelis "Caught Out There" I felt every word of that song... because it couldn't have been more percise. That little bastard... :P Sad to say... I cannot for the life of me think of any new good "hate" songs. Hopefully I will not have to compile another cd of that kind.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Live 8

Ok... so it feels like years since I last posted. I have been pleasantly distracted these last couple of days with a certain someone. So my time on the computer is extremely occupied, which I don't mind at all.

    I am also going thru the lost of 'The Worlds Greatest Neighbour' Eric. Eric passed away suddenly a couple of days ago, 6 years shy of 60. It seems like that is the new thing that is going on. People who have not even reached retirement age passing on. Makes me wonder if that is something that I am going to have to look towards... working my ass off to make someone else wealthy... and dying without reaping the benefits of my own hard labour. Mind you, I am noticing the trend amoung individuals who migrate to Canada. I am not trying to get into the whole corrupt labour system that exist in this country... all I am going to say about it, is that it f&^%ing sucks.

    What also sucks is that I am now hearing about this Live 8 thing. Where the hell was I when all this was going on? So much for making it a world issue and a long walk for justice. I heard a little buzz about it... and flipped over it in the newspaper... but I did not entertain any of it because all I saw was Bono and Bob Geldof mumbling about injustice going on somewhere in the world. It seemed like they were both up to their same tactics.... maybe if they had someone else be the ring leader for a change, I may have humoured the situation a bit and exercised more diligence in the matter. Don't get me wrong I am concerned with world issues, but if you really want to get my attention... add a little fire to the pot... something fresh and exciting.

      Someone is going to have to enlighten me on the outcome of this...

      Wednesday, July 06, 2005

      I figured that their has been a lot of music chatter going on around here. And I couple of people here have touched my heart... So I am going to take this opportunity to send out some dedications...
      To Lester T: I dedicate by the Block Party. They are fresh, edgy and the song has an all around good "groove"
      Fellatio: NIN - Closer.. need I say more. Congrats on the niece!!!!!
      Fashion: hmmmmm.... Violet Femmes... Blister in the Sun... that's a nice cheeky track for you to fix your floor to.
      and last but not least... Tall Stud Muffin - MM Res - Tsunami... words and melodies can not express how I feel right now. It's just a good all around feeling.
      And of course I must treat myself to something erratic....
      Check these cds out...

      Tuesday, July 05, 2005

      Myers Briggs - Who are you?

      So I have been doing a lot of soul searching and anaylsing things that are going on in my life. And I was thinking to myself "I am not the same person that I use to be". Thru all my life experiences and the ineluctable process of growth I know that there are things that are not the same. But what has changed, and who am I now? So the boredom bug bite me once again, and I started doing online personality test. I came across a test that I did a couple of years ago... Myer Briggs... So I thought that it would be interesting to do the test once again to see if there were any changes or faults in the anaylsis. So I took the test again (bootlegg version)... and to my chagrin... I am still the same personality type. Who would have known!? I guess things didn't change that much. Well I guess it is a bit comforting to know that I am still the same old perfect me. :P Go ahead and indulge.

      Monday, July 04, 2005

      Guilty Music Pleasure....

      This is turning into a music blog.... I witness a really odd thing last night. After coming home from ANOTHER bridal shower, I opened up the door to the den to witness my cousin singing and dancing. Now there is no problem with him singing and dancing... it was what he was singing and dancing to. My cousin, 6'4, 250lbs, "roughneck" was SINGING and DANCING to Cyndi Lauper's Girls Just Want To Have Fun!!!!!... hahahahahahah... He had my headphones on and he was screeching to Cyndi in the most shrilling voice. It was disgusting as it was comical. He tried to play it off like he wasn't embrassed when I tapped him on the shoulder. His defence was "everyone remember's Captain Albano (WWF) in the video"... so who wouldn't be "familiar" with the song. Familiar!!!! I didn't interupt him until the end of the second verse!!!!... HE KNEW THE WORDS!!!! hahahaha... I told him that I would write about it in my blog... but I am not allowed to mention his name. Don't worry Albert... no one will know. I told him it was alright to have a guilty pleasure... I mean we all do. There is this song by this UK group that I love from the early 80s. I searched high and low to find this song again... and I was ecstatic when I did. I was sooo excited about it I pumped all my friends up to hear it one day. I sat them all around... and put in the burnt copy of the song in the cd player... As the first couple of beats pounded thru the speakers... all I heard was laughter... No one appreciated the groovy track. I mean this song was up for awards!!!! It got nominated for an American Music Award. IN THE 80s!!!... Back then the AMA's were credible! Well here you go... a snippet of my guilty music pleasure Freeze... AEIOU (and sometimes Y) Sorry to those that I may offend.... yeah right! What is your guilty music pleasure?

      Sunday, July 03, 2005

      Out of the Loop

      Last night I went to a bachelorette party which started out at the swanky Panorama Lounge. I got there pretty late, it was my third engagement of the evening, but I was just in time and missed all the corny games. After a couple of drinks and awkward bouts of silence, a couple of the girls and myself (6 of us) decided to go out dancing. After a lengthy debate we settled on going to Sugar Night Club (21 and over). I haven't been clubbing in a long while; I am more of a lounge type of girl. But this club was "cute", it was small, it wasn't overly packed and vibe was "I can be classy and mature" ;). It was alright. Now when we got there the music was decent, they were playing some rnb and a bit of hip-hop...(seeing how it was a hip-hop, r'n'b, reggae, and soca club)... Now I was getting my little 1,2 step on, when all of a sudden the dj starts playing some dancehall. It was pandemonium!!! The floor started getting packed and people were going crazy! The dj started barking out commands and like seaguls in unison the crowd harmoniously complied. Me on the other hand was dumbfounded. I had a dazed and confused look on my face all night... Ok I always have that look, but this time I really truly was! Now they switch from dancehall to hip-hop to just plain loud noise and I was still confused. I did not know any words or melodies of anything that was being played to save my life. :( What a bloody shame. I was starting to feel old and out of the loop. The DJ must have felt my pain because he started to play some old school r&b. They played The Jets, Prince, Old Michael, Jermaine Stewart, The Time, Rick James, Color Me Badd, Pebbles, just to name a few... and of course a Luther tribute at the end of the segment. I was going crazy at this point in time, I think I may have dislocated my knee. Damn patella! After that they started to play some soca and I called it a night. I was done! As I made my way out of the club I turned back to look at the crowd. Grinding, Singing, Drinking, Laughing... just to think... I use to be one of them. Time ... where does it go? Ah who cares.... But after last night, I realized I am really out of the commercial loop. I am going to have to pick my little sister's brain this afternoon to find out what I am missing. If my attention span will allow it maybe I will dedicate an hour to watch MuchMusic, BET and MTV.... actually maybe not :D

      Saturday, July 02, 2005

      Booster, Frikyiwa, and Gerardo... Found a Fan in Me

      Yesterday I had the opportunity to head over to my good ol' friend Coyote's music shop, Paradise Bound. It's located in the trendy Kensington Market. It has everything in there, all types of genres in cassette, vinyl and cds. Seeing that Coyote always knows what I like, I threw at him the opportunity to find me something interesting to listen to, and he threw back 3 wonderful selections. Booster - Loop In Release, Frikyiwa - Collection 2, and Gerardo Nunez - Calima. Booster is an eclectic mixture of acid jazz, r&b, funk, and electronica... all the stuff I love. It is off the Blue Note label so you know the production is "tight", love it. The cute thing about this album is that it was "recorded and mixed by booster at his home, bougival, france"... now that's what Imma talkin' about! So far from my first listen... Mutation.. part 1 and 2 really jump out at me. Starts off real cool and the tempo changes and takes you into a completely different vibe. Can't help to think of Infected Mushroom when I hear this.... Frikyiwa I automatically fell in love with. Coyote plugged it in... and I told him I didn't need to hear anymore. Africana, dub, electronica, killing bass lines... I was listening to it all the way home. I am going to have this in high rotation for awhile. Sadly... I haven't had a chance to listen to Gerardo... except for the snippets I heard while in the store. I will get around to it eventually. What I can remeber of it, was just wanted to dance... and that's a real good sign. Apparently (according to Coyote) there is a duo by the name of Strunz and Farah, who do a collaboration on this record, who I should look out for. Nothing like good music to put you in a good mood... I was considering doing an odd to Luther Vandross.... But I don't want to put it into overkill. Don't get me wrong.. I love Luther... and it's a damn shame he is no longer with us.

      Friday, July 01, 2005


      This is suppose to be therapeutic???